Verizon : ready for the iphone!

Verizon says they’re ready for the iPhone, and I gotta tell you, it can’t come soon enough!

In an article on NeoWin, “According to BusinessWeek, Verizon Wireless Chief Technology Officer, Anthony Melone, said that in the event that AT&T’s exclusivity deal is broken, Verizon is ready for the iPhone. Melone confirms that Verizon has been beefing up its network to prepare for the possibility of adding the world’s most popular smartphone to their lineup. “We have put things in place already… We are prepared to support that traffic.” Melone feels that Verizon’s network and equipment would do a much better job of handling the heavy traffic load produced by the iPhone, stating, “Absolutely, I think we could handle it.””


In addition, Verizon is serious about keeping iPhone users happy. They’re deploying 100 trucks for their technicians to… “literally drive on roads throughout the country testing the service of their own devices as well as devices of their rivals… If techies find an area that has weak service, the company can target more investment to improve the quality of the phone call or the data download.”

As soon as the day comes, I’m bailing on AT&T. I’m almost free of their two years of crap service, and it can’t come soon enough!! Since AT&T hasn’t bothered to make any serious upgrades to their rickety network for the iPhone until late this year, the best way I can think of to say “thanks” for two years of horrible service is with my pocketbook. As soon as my contract is up with AT&T, I’m going to stay month to month until the Verizon deal is announced. Then I’m jumping to Verizon as soon as I can.

I bet we will get to watch AT&T’s bottom line sink like a brick in concrete shoes next year when all the iPhone users finally get a chance to abandon the AT&T ship. And I also predict we will get to watch some very long-overdue AT&T executive heads roll soon after.

Here’s the link to the NeoWin article.

And a link to the Business Week article.

Special Forces dogs and k9 Storm Solutions

I was reading the last issue* of Fortune Small Business when I saw this article on page 58.

The magazine did a write-up about how well a company called K9 Storm Solutions is doing, as well as highlight that they make very specialized protective gear for dogs. I’m talking about assault vests, search and rescue vests, riot prison vests and very advanced intruder communication systems. Not the kind of things you need for your typical fluffy poodle to walk around the block with.

What got me was the photo at the end of the article. Apparently, special forces dogs can (and will!) jump from airplanes along with the soldiers. And k9 Storm Solutions makes the gear to do this!

Check out the article below (click the + to enlarge as needed)…

Special Forces Dogs Jump Too

I went to the K9 Storm Solutions website and saw this particular jump with “Cara” was done at 30,100 feet! That’s nuts!!

I couldn’t find a large photo of just the jump on the K9 website, so I did a quick and dirty enlargement of the photo myself.

Special Forces Dog Jump - Click to Enlarge

Special Forces Dog Jump - Click to Enlarge

That’s pretty cool and hardcore at the same time. Can you imagine what’s going through the dog’s head as it’s skydiving? If they love an open window on a drive, this must be a massive adrenalin rush for them. I’ve been skydiving a few times myself, and I’ve been very juiced every time I land (well, except for the first time, but that’s another story). Can you imagine how wired a dog would be after landing? Stay at least 500 yards away!


* It really was the last issue of Fortune Small Business. The editor said they got the plug pulled on them. The “farewell” is below…

End of Fortune Small Business