Sponsor Eddie Izzard!

Eddie Izzard has run 43 marathons in 51 days around the UK to raise money for charity. But this is not just any marathon set he is running. Oh no no no no no.

Eddie has run “27 miles a day, six days a week, over the past seven weeks, covering more than 1,110 miles of England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland”.

Eddies Run

Eddie's Run

All to raise money for charity.

Fuuuuuckin A!

If you can, you can help sponsor the last bit of Eddie’s run by clicking here.

This is not only supremely badass of him to do, but he has already raised more than £43k in donations that were matched by an anonymous donor for a current total of £86k for charity. Every donation helps!

Check out that news article or follow him on his twitter page.