The Neon Trees “Animal” video looks familiar

To paraphrase a Samuel Jackson line from “Snakes on a Plane”, “Enough is enough! I have had it with these mother******g musicians ripping off my mother******g childhood!”

Shakira robbing Fozzie bear was bad enough, but now I see a band called Neon Trees has a video called “Animal”…

Hmmmm. That video looks familiar.

Museum patrons minding their own business? Suddenly getting gassed by a colorful smoke? Everyone falls down unconscious? Vandals enter the museum and deface/repaint the artwork? But they spare the one painting the very colorful leader likes?

Holy ripoff, Batman! That’s all from the 1989 movie… Batman! The one with Michael Keaton!

I found a clip of the movie that shows the Joker and his henchmen entering the museum right after the gas attack and you can see the whole 1989 Batman clip on YouTube that I’m talking about by clicking here. (Sorry about not putting the video here directly, but embedding of that video was disabled.)

What is really depressing is that Tyler Glenn, the lead singer of Neon Trees, is 27 years old. When this Batman movie came out in 1989, he was all of 6 years old.

The good news is that I’m finally old enough to recognize a ripoff when I see one! The bad news is that I’m finally old enough to recognize a ripoff when I see one!

I think I’m gonna’ go get me a Whataburger and a cold beer now before I start yelling at kids to get off my lawn.

Monday Morning Music : 08/02/10

Every Monday I like to post some music to start the week off on the right foot.

This week….

Dancing Pigeons – Ritalin

Dancing Pigeons – Ritalin from Blink on Vimeo.

Van Halen – Panama

Foo Fighters – Monkey Wrench

…and finally, Johnny Cash – God’s Gonna Cut You Down (NOTE: This is not the actual music video, but a custom video on YouTube.)