IT. Tech. Rants. Books. Science. Old blinky beepy things.
A super long time ago I got a MA and a double BA from SFA. Then I was the WAN Email administrator for Omnicom in Dallas for 3 years. Then I was the Director of MIS for a major Hispanic ad agency (Dallas, L.A. and Miami) and also part of the IT board of the AAAA (NYC) for 8 years.
Right now I’m living in deeeep deep south Texas with my gorgeous wife and our awesome twins, and we’re all enjoying a goofball happiness that is probably illegal in some countries. I’m also the IT Manager for a fairly large south Texas retail chain, and recently completed a Cyber 502 course at RIT for Computer Forensics.
This is what I look like if I was a cartoon…
….and this is what I look like if I was in the movie PREDATORS and had a stunt double that looked a lot like Adrien Brody.

(Ripped from PREDATORS).
And since I need to set up a link to Mastodon too…