The week’s comment award winner is… SumashtDilovf!

SumashtDilovf made a comment on my “A big thanks to NASA for helping get the Chilean miners to safety” post that I wanted to bump to the main page.

SumashtDilovf said…

“Гений, прикованный к чиновничьему столу, должен умереть или сойти с ума, точно так же, как человек с могучим телосложением при сидячей жизни и скромном поведении умирает от апоплексического удара.”

Which, roughly translated, means…

“A genius, confined to a bureaucratic desk, must die or go crazy, just like a man with a powerful physique with a sedentary life and modest behavior is dying of apoplexy.”

Appropriate to the original post? Not so much. Somewhat zen on its’ own merits? Definitely.

Stopthisbill and stopthatbill .org .net and .com are now retired

Waaaaaay back in January, I set up a website called (along with,,, and

The whole point of that website was that I didn’t agree with the healthcare bill as it was written. I preferred a well thought out healthcare bill that was more aligned with the president’s campaign promises, and took its’ time to come to fruition after a great deal of intellectual analysis and careful, reasoned debate by congress and the input of hundreds of existing health-based agencies in the national and state government.

I did not like the piecemeal train wreck that was rushed through congress, and I definitely don’t like the slapdash version that passed into law.

The stopthisbill/stopthatbill site gathered a few signatures on the online petition and it also generated some interesting debate. I really do appreciate everyone who took the time to visit the site and those who emailed me to offer their opinions (one way or the other!).

But today, I decided it was time to pull the site down and move on to other projects. I am keeping the domain names, though. Just in case something comes up later.

Website notice : comments that are advertisements will not be approved

I love comments! Comments that criticize, comments that discuss what was posted, comments that are insulting, and comments on comments’ comments are always welcome. Comments with links to related topics and links to personal websites are awesome, too!

However, comments that are nothing but advertisements unrelated to the original post are not welcome here. Posting any advertisement for any product unrelated to the original post will not go through. Posting about an item for sale that has nothing to do with the present discussion will not go through.

Seriously, I’ll approve everything… as long as it is somehow related to the original post.

But if you have something to advertise or sell, take it to Google Ads.

POST #500!

With this, I’m officially at the 500th post of my blog! Dude!

Anyhow, this 500th post pretty much snuck up on me and went AYAHH!!, so to celebrate my 500th post on my blog, I’ve stolen posted some “500th issue” comic covers from the heroes of my youth.

Amazing Spider-Man 500

Batman 500

Superman 500

Detective Comics 500

You know, it looks like issue #500 snuck up on a few of them as well.

Right! Back to it!