News stories the mainstream media missed : 12/04/10

Here are some news stories from this week that I think the mainstream media completely missed out on. All links are from legitimate news sources and not the fringe / wacko sites.

* Get married to a woman 40 years younger than you are. Quit smoking when you’re 106 years old. Apologize for cooperating with the Nazi regime 50 years after the fact. Could this the Dos Equis’ “most interesting man in the world’s” evil twin brother? [MSNBC]

* How many levels of hell are there? We have a volunteer who wants to find out! Step right up! Step right up! “A former Roman Catholic priest charged with sexually abusing a teenage boy in rural Texas is now accused of plotting the teen’s murder.” At the sound of the FWOOOSH the time will be one sinner past midnight. [FOX NEWS]

* Some people deserve free speech more than others! That’s apparently Al Sharpton’s motto as he’s trying to get the FCC to yank Rush Limbaugh’s broadcast license because he doesn’t agree with what he’s saying. Um, Al? I might have some bad news for you on this one. [EXAMINER.COM]

* Did you know the TSA is looking for new recruits? And they’re advertising these job openings on pizza delivery boxes? Suddenly a great many things about the TSA make sense. [UPI]

* China and Russia say using dollars are sooooo 1990’s and they’re, like, totally over them. This is bogus news for US. [CHINA DAILY]

* So there’s glowing trees in the works? Bio-luminescent trees like the Avatar movie had? And they’re specifically designed to replace streetlights? Somebody go get the knights who say “Nee”. Their awesome shrubbery has been found! [MSNBC]

* Why do kids from the same parents with the same genes and living in the same household all come out different? That’s one of those questions you think you have the answer to, until you actually try and answer it. Scientists think they got it now. [NPR]

* In the “maybe things really are getting worse” department, NYC has decided if they feed prisoners less food, they’ll save some money! You know things are getting bad when ideas like this make it out the door and get approved. [UPI]

* And finally, Al Gore admitted he made a slight boo-boo. An itsy bitsy one. He really didn’t mean it when he said corn ethanol was good for the environment. He just wanted some votes! Ah. I see. So my next question would be what else have you done for votes that was “good for the environment”? [MSNBC]

That’s all I got this week. Back Monday!