Want to advertise on national TV for cheap?

Want to advertise on national TV? Don’t want to mess with an ad agency? Got around $1,500?

Google TV ADS (and a quick tutorial by SLATE) can make it happen!

In the sample, their TV ad ran for 54 plays on 4 networks for just $1,300.


I can hear advertising media departments and reps freaking out from here.

2 thoughts on “Want to advertise on national TV for cheap?

  1. Wow, Royce. Thank you SO much for putting this link up on your blog. What a phenomenal source! I especially like the revolutionary aspect of it, too! I’d love to post this on my Facebook page. Would you mind if I did?

    • Not at all! Post away!

      This is the kind of thing that can help make some very good things happen the more people know about it.

      If you can embed raw HTML on Facebook, the code for the movie from SLATETV is


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