WalMart laptop stickers

You would think if you managed the computer department and/or the electronics display division of WalMart, you would spend a little more to invest in the cling-stick kind of labels to put on your showroom laptops. That way in case you ever decided to sell the floor models, the stickers wouldn’t actually STICK to the very expensive screens!

WalMart Laptop Sticker 1

WalMart Laptop Sticker 1

WalMart Laptop Sticker 2

WalMart Laptop Sticker 2

WalMart Laptop Sticker 3

WalMart Laptop Sticker 3

WalMart Laptop Sticker 4

WalMart Laptop Sticker 4

WalMart Laptop Sticker 5

WalMart Laptop Sticker 5

WalMart Laptop Sticker 6

WalMart Laptop Sticker 6

WalMart Laptop Sticker 7

WalMart Laptop Sticker 7

Great job WalMart!

Still, I bet writing off around $5k of laptops per store isn’t that big a deal to them. Even if they put it on “clearance” for 25% off, somebody will take them.

NOTE: I didn’t do any of the peeling. This is exactly how the electronics department looked when I walked through there.

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